MMF POS 225-7585-04 MagTek IPAD Handheld POS Transaction Terminal Stand. The stand bolts firmly on the counter surface and comes with securing screws which lock the transaction terminals to the stand.***Discontinued***

MMF POS 225-7585-04  MagTek IPAD Handheld POS Transaction Terminal Stand.   The stand bolts firmly on the counter surface and comes with securing screws which lock the transaction terminals to the stand.***Discontinued***
Item# 225-7585-04
Regular price: $80.00
Web price: $55.60
Out of stock

Product Description

***Discontinued***MMF POS 225-7585-04 MagTek IPAD Handheld POS Transaction Terminal Stand. The stand bolts firmly on the counter surface and comes with securing screws which lock the transaction terminals to the stand.

MMF POS Transaction Terminal Stands Data Sheet - Multiple Stands Spec Sheet (.pdf 810KB)

***Order Online the MMF POS 225-7585-04 MagTek IPAD Handheld POS Transaction Terminal Stand.***