Eltron Direct Thermal Labels

Eltron Direct Thermal Labels
Eltron Direct Thermal Bar Code Labels Eltron - Zebra Desktop Printer Labels BCSD-Eltron-Direct-Thermal-Label-Order-Form
  • Part#'s below are for use with Eltron/Zebra Desktop Printers: LP 2824, LP 2824-Z, LP 2844, LP 2844-Z, R2844-Z, TLP 2824, TLP 2824-Z, TLP 2844, TLP 2844-Z, TLP 3842, TLP 3844-Z, 2746, 2746e, A100, A300, DA402, Ht-146, LP 2022, LP 2042, LP 2046, LP 2443, LP 2622, LP 2642, LP 2722, LP 2742, PS 2122, R402, T300, T402, TLP 2642, TLP 2722, TLP 2742, TLP 3642, TLP 3742. BORDERCOLORDARK="#4682B4">
    To Order Zebra Labels/Ribbons Fax BarCode Label & Ribbon Order Form above to (585)663-9363 or Call Toll Free 1 (866) 204-1382
    Part#Zebra Z-Select™ 4000D Direct Thermal Paper Labels
    (I.D. 1"/O.D. 4")
    For use with Desktop Printers
    sizelabels/rollrolls/caselist price(case)sale price(case)
    800510-3001 x 3 50012$52.40$40
    800999-007*1.20 x 0.851,50012$56.40$44.00
    800512-105*1.25 x 1.001,38012$56.45$44.00
    800522-075*2.25 x 0.751,78012$71.04$69.90
    800522-125*2.25 x 1.251,13512$71.04$69.90
    800522-205*2.25 x 2 73512$71.04$69.90
    800522-305*2.25 x 350012$76.68$75.10
    800522-405*2.25 x 438012$71.04$69.90
    800530-105*3 x 11,38012$108$103.30
    800530-2053 x 273512$108$103.30
    800540-105*4 x 11,31012$122.76$119.60
    800540-155*4 x 1.5096012$138.40$98.00
    800540-2054 x 273512$149.40$109.00
    800540-2504 x 2.5064012$151.40$108.00
    800540-305*4 x 350012$139.40$98.00
    800540-405*4 x 437712$138.40$98.00
    800540-5004 x 530512$149.40$98.00
    800540-505*4 x 525012$139.40$98.00
    800540-6004 x 625012$139.40$98.00
    800540-605*4 x 625012$139.40$99.00

  • Part#'s below are for use with Eltron/Zebra Desktop Printers: LP 2824, LP 2824-Z, LP 2844, LP 2844-Z, R2844-Z, TLP 2824, TLP 2824-Z, TLP 2844, TLP 2844-Z, TLP 3842, TLP 3844-Z, 2746, 2746e, A100, A300, DA402, Ht-146, LP 2022, LP 2042, LP 2046, LP 2443, LP 2622, LP 2642, LP 2722, LP 2742, PS 2122, R402, T300, T402, TLP 2642, TLP 2722, TLP 2742, TLP 3642, TLP 3742.
  • To Order Zebra Labels/Ribbons Fax Bar Code Label & Ribbon Order Form above to (585)663-9363 or Call Toll Free 1 (866) 204-1382
    Part#Zebra Z-Select™ 4000D Direct Thermal Paper Labels
    (I.D. 1"/O.D. 5")
    For use with Desktop Printers
    sizelabels/rollrolls/caselist price(case)sale price(case)
    800262-075*2.25 x 0.753,31512$124$120
    800262-125*2.25 x 1.252,10012$124$120
    800262-205*2.25 x 2.001,37012$124$120
    800262-405*2.25 x 4.0070012$124$120
    800264-125*4.00 x 1.252,10012$244$222
    800264-305*4.00 x 3.0093012$212$195
    800264-405*4.00 x 4.0070012$210$196
    800264-505*4.00 x 5.0056512$210$196
    800264-605*4.00 x 6.0047512$183$169