Topaz T-L460 SigLite LCD 1x5 Electronic Signature Capture Pad

Topaz T-L460 SigLite LCD 1x5 Electronic Signature Capture Pad
Topaz T-L460 SigLite LCD 1x5 Electronic Signature Capture Pad & Accessories

The Topaz SigLite 1X5 is a biometric electronic signature pad with signature capture touchpad, designed to be both space- and cost efficient. The touchpad sensor reads the pressure of the stylus tip and transmits signature data to the computer at high speed for an easy, accurate electronic signature. Interfaces include Topaz - HSB® HID USB, and -B serial interface. SigLite 1x5 boasts the additional value of Topaz’s complete powerful bundled software tools and support

SigLite is Topaz's low-cost pressure-sensitive electronic signature pad. SigLite features all the high-quality biometric and forensic capture techniques of a SignatureGem tablet but with a low-cost touchpad and stylus in place of the active electromagnetic pen and sensor. The touchpad sensor is protected by an optional replaceable overlay for longer life.

All Topaz products come bundled with our powerful software tools and support for the capture, binding, and authentication of electronic signatures. All software and updates are licensed for use with Topaz tablets at no extra charge and can be downloaded from our website.