Datalogic BC9030-910 BC9030 Base Station/Charger, 910 MHz, Multi-Interface (RS-232, USB and KBD Wedge). Requires power supply (P/N 8-0935 ) and power cord (P/N 6003-0941).

Datalogic BC9030-910 BC9030 Base Station/Charger, 910 MHz, Multi-Interface (RS-232, USB and KBD Wedge).     Requires power supply (P/N 8-0935 ) and power cord (P/N 6003-0941).
Item# BC9030-910
Regular price: $390.00
Web price: $258.70

Product Description

Order Online the Datalogic BC9030-910 BC9030 Base Station/Charger, 910 MHz, Multi-Interface (RS-232, USB and KBD Wedge). Requires power supply (P/N 8-0935 ) and power cord (P/N 6003-0941).
Datalogic PowerScan PM9500 Cordless BarCode Scanner Datasheet (.pdf 450KB)
Datalogic_BarCode_Scan_Test_Sheet_1D_2D_PDF417_Symbologies (.pdf 120KB)
