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Ruby Verifone, Commander, Topaz, RubyCi, Ruby2, Sapphire BarCode Scanner Kits | Cordless | 1D/2D/PDF417 | Preinstalled DL - Drivers License Id Parsing Software > Driver's License Parse Fields
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Driver's License Parse Fields

These options are the supported parse fields for driver's license.
Not all IDs present data in the same format. For example, some IDs can have separate fields for first name, last name, and middle initial, while others have a single field with the entire name. Also, some IDs expire on the subject's birth date while the expiration date field only indicates the year.
To present data in a consistent format, use the nine options provided in this section to return data calculated from the actual data contained in the ID barcode.
First Name
Middle Name/Initial
Last Name
Name Suffix
Name Prefix
Expiration Date
Birth Date
Issue Date
ID Number (Formatted)