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Honeywell 1300G-1 Hyperion 1300g Linear Imaging Scanner (Scanner Only: 1D - Requires Cable) - Color: Ivory

Honeywell 1300G-1 Hyperion 1300g Linear Imaging Scanner (Scanner Only: 1D - Requires Cable) - Color: Ivory
Item# 1300G-1
Regular price: $224.18
Web price: $154.80

Product Description

Honeywell 1300G-1 Hyperion 1300g Linear Imaging Scanner (Scanner Only: 1D - Requires Cable) - Color: Ivory.

  • Order cable and stand, seperately below.

  • Accessories

    Honeywell HFSTAND7E Flex Neck Stand | Weighted Base | 3800G, 1300G | Black       <font color=#40ff00><b>In Stock</font color></b>
    Regular price: $42.11
    Web price: $34.70
    Honeywell STND-23R03-006-4 Hyperion 1300 Stand: gray, 23cm (9") stand height, rigid rod, weighted mid-sized universal base,   Hyperion 1300 sliding cradle
    Regular price: $25.00
    Web price: $21.10
    Honeywell STND-30R03-006-4 Stand: gray, 30cm (12") stand height, rigid rod, weighted mid-sized universal base, Hyperion 1300 sliding cradle.
    Regular price: $25.00
    Web price: $21.10
    Honeywell HOLDER-008-U desktop or wall mount holder with screws
    Regular price: $23.63
    Web price: $21.64
    Honeywell CBL-500-300-S00 9.8' Straight 5V Host Power USB Cable.  For use with Xenon 19XX, Voyager 1200g, 1250g, 1300g, 1400 scanners.
    Regular price: $29.05
    Web price: $24.90
    Honeywell CBL-720-300-C00 Cable (3 Meters - 9.8 Feet, Keyboard Wedge KBW, Black, Coiled).    Compatible with the Voyager 1200g, 1250g, 1300g and Xenon 1900 series scanners.
    Regular price: $18.00
    Web price: $17.90
    Honeywell CBL-020-300-C00 RS232 DB9F Cable (+/- 5V) 9.8' coiled, color: black.   5V external power with option for host power on pin 9.   For use with Xenon 1900, Voyager 1200g, 1250g, 1300g scanners.   Requires power supply part# 46-00525.  Order separately, below.
    Regular price: $29.60
    Web price: $25.18
    Honeywell CBL-GIL-300-S00-01 Gilbarco G-Site Cable (RS232, 5V Signals, Gilbarco, TERM, Black, 8 Pin Modular, Strait).  Compatible with the Gilbarco G-Site.  For use with the oyager 1200g, 1250g, 1300g and Xenon 1900g/1902g series scanners.  Requires power supply, part# 46-00525, available below.
    Regular price: $18.00
    Web price: $17.90
    Out of stock
    Honeywell CBL-GIL-300-S00-02  Gilbarco Passport Cable (RS232, 5V Signal, Gilbarco, Black, DB9 Female, Straight).   Compatible with the Gilbarco Passport.   For use with the Voyager 1200g, 1250g, 1300g, Xenon 1900g/1902g series scanners.
    Regular price: $30.61
    Web price: $25.87
    Honeywell CBL-431-300-S00 RS232 Cable (+/-12V signals), Verifone Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz Terminals, 8 pin modular; Straight, host power on pin 8, color: black.   Compatible:Voyager 1200g, 1250g, 1300g, 1400, 1450, 1900,  1902, 1950, 1952, 1600, 1602.  Length:  9.8 ft.
    Regular price: $91.79
    Web price: $66.90
    Honeywell 46-00525-6 Level 6 Power Supply, North America, 1.0A @ 5.2VDC, 90-255VAC @ 50-60Hz.
    Regular price: $55.88
    Web price: $42.70
    Honeywell CBL-503-500-C00 1900/1902/1200G/1202G/1250G/1300G USB Retail Cable 12V Locking, 5M (Length:  16.4 ft.') Coiled, 5V Host Power.
    Regular price: $43.29
    Web price: $31.92