Honeywell Xenon 1950 1D/2D BarCode Scanner (SR, HD, Ratchet, EASY-DL)

Honeywell Xenon 1950 1D/2D BarCode Scanner (SR, HD, Ratchet, EASY-DL)
Order Online the Honeywell Xenon 1950 1D/2D BarCode Scanner (SR, HD, Ratchet, EASY-DL)

Honeywell 1950GSR-2USB-2-N 1950g Ratchet USB Kit - 1D, PDF417, 2D, SR focus, Color: Black, USB Type A, Straight Cable
Regular price: $671.13
Web price: $429.10
Honeywell 1950GSR-2USB-EZ-N Xenon 1950, SR, Easy-DL USB Kit.   Includes:  1950G Standard Range, Easy-DL Scanner, Color: Bk, USB Cbl (Len: 9.8', Straight),  War:  5 Years.
Regular price: $650.26
Web price: $394.10
Honeywell 1950GSR-2USB-2EZ-N Integrated Ratchet Stand, Easy-DL, USB Kit (1D-PDF417-2D). USB Cable (Type A, straight cable, 9.8').  War: 5 Yrs.
Regular price: $796.56
Web price: $509.90
Honeywell 1950GSR-2-2-N Xenon 1950G Integrated Ratchet Stand, SR, (1D-2D), Color: BK, Warranty: 5 Years.  Order Cable separately (click this link to see cables).
Regular price: $613.61
Web price: $368.10
Honeywell 1950GSR-2-N-Gilbarco-Passport-Easy-DL-Kit  2D Area Imager (1D, 2D, PDF417).  Includes 1950GSR2 Standard Range Scanner with Easy-DL Software Pre-Installed, Gilbarco Passport Cable (DB9F, Length: 9.8', Straight), Power Supply (Level 6), Quick Start Guide, Color: Black. Warranty: 5 Years.
Regular price: $736.27
Web price: $452.20
Honeywell Xenon 1950G-SR (1D, 2D, PDF417) Ruby Verifone Kit | 1950GSR Ruby Cable (RJ 8 pin modular, length: 9.8 ft., straight), Color: Black. Quick-Start Guide.  For use with RUBY, SAPPHIRE & TOPAZ Terminals.  <font color=#40ff00><b>In Stock</font color></b>
Regular price: $538.41
Web price: $339.10
Honeywell 1950GSR-2-2-N-Ratchet-Stand-Ruby-Verifone-Kit.    Includes 1950GSR 2D Area Imager (1D, 2D, PDF417) with Ratchet Stand,  Ruby Verifone Cable, Quick Start Guide. Color: Black. For use with RUBY, SAPPHIRE & TOPAZ Terminals.  <font color=#40ff00><b>In Stock</font color></b>
Regular price: $774.76
Web price: $472.10
Honeywell 1950GSR-2-2-N-Ratchet-Stand-Gilbarco-Passport-EZDL-Kit.  Includes  Xenon 1950 Area-Imaging Scanner with Integrated-Ratchet (1D, PDF417, 2D SR Focus, EASY DL Software Pre-Installed),  Gilbarco Passport Cable (9.8 ft., Straight, 5V, DB9 Female),  Power Supply (NA level 6 plug, 1.0A @ 5.2VDC, 90-255VAC @ 50-60Hz) , Power Cord, Color: Black, Warranty: 5 Years.  <font color=#40ff00><b>In Stock</font color></b>
Regular price: $767.57
Web price: $469.90