Order Online FIPS 2D Cordless BarCode Scanners IP67, Vibration. Ideal for harsh environments.
What is FIPS Cryptogrphy? FIPS stands for the Federal Information
Processing Standard established by the National Instuitute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), for use in computer systems for the purpose of ensuring security and
interoperability through data encryption. This encryption utilizes government tested
and approved cryptography implemented in the transmission of data.
Why Encryption Matters?
Data security via encryption has become the industry standard
for both hardware and software products. The FIPS Standard keeps data private
and secure. With FIPS Validation, this encryption improves and is more robust.
Additionally, this validation qualifies our FIPS solution products as government
approved for use in facilities under governmental management.
Disinfectant-ready housing for Health Care Solutions - Excellent at resisting the harmful effects of many popular cleaning agents. Built to withstand frequent exposure to cleaning solutions commonly used in healthcare environments.
Ideal Health Care Applications - Bedside Medication Verification, Pharmacy, Patient Record Management, Patient Admittance, Specimen Tracking, Prescription Imaging, Public Administration.
*Order Online FIPS 140-2 Certified Cordless Bar Code Scanners (1D/2D) from Honeywell (CODE and Zebra coming soon!)