Honeywell 3800R Retail Linear Imager Scanner
Honeywells exclusive imaging technology provides breakthrough performance in the new 3800r linear imager. The 3800r is the most powerful linear imager ever produced. It excels at read range, reading poor quality bar codes, and is extremely durable. These features will
make your data acquisition successful and lower your total cost of ownership.
**Honeywell 3800R Bar Code Scanner replaced by the Honeywell Xenon 1900 & 1950 (1D, 2D) Bar Code Scanner, Corded***Many of todays applications benefit from greater reading range. With so many of todays packages too large for easy lifting, operators reach and stretch to read bar codes that are out of range. The 3800rs classleading 24 inch (610 mm) read range on 13 mil bar codes can greatly
reduce these serious and costly application problems.
Poor quality bar codes are caused by printing irregularities or damage. They exist in most every application and because most scanners struggle to read these bar codes, or simply cannot read them, they
end up being manually entered. Manual entry increases data collection costs and introduces costly errors that must be traced and corrected.
Part of the 3800rs breakthrough performance is due to a new software digitizer. This design approach has enabled Honeywell to apply 30 years of experience in reading bar codes to solving the problem of reading poor quality bar codes. As a result, the 3800rs outstanding performance
reading poor quality bar codes eliminates the costs associated with manual entry. Improve your operating efficiency by using the 3800r to read bar codes that others pass by.
The 3800r comes with a 5 year warranty. Shock-absorbing rubber contact surfaces and a Lexan housing ensure this device will survive 50, 6 (1.8 m) drops to concrete. Retail and commercial applications can be tough environments. The 3800r is up to the task because it is
built to last.
Honeywell 3800R Retail Linear Imager Scanner Features & Benefits Superior Read Range: Imaging technology now
extends the read range out to 24 (610 mm) on the bar
codes used in retail applications
Fast and Aggressive Decode: Even on poorly printed
or damaged codes, the 270 scans per second scan rate
and software digitizer quickly processes the data and
transmits it to your application
Durable: Built to last, there are no moving parts to
wear out. Full impact resistant bumpers and a 5 year
warranty make the 3800r one of the toughest scanners
on the market
Reads Emerging Codes that will be Part of
Tomorrows Solutions: Supports the EANUCC system,
including GTIN, EAN/UCC-14, and GS1 DataBar
Connectivity: Supports all common interfaces: keyboard
wedge, TTL RS232, IBM retail, USB, wand emulation,
HHLC, and True RS232
5 Year Warranty
Honeywell 3800R Retail Linear Imager Scanner Data Sheet (.pdf 106KB)
Order Online the Honeywell 3800r USB Kit. Includes: imager (3800RSR050E), straight USB cable (42206161-01E), and Quick Start Guide. Color: Gray.