Honeywell 4600r 2D Commercial Retail Imager *Honeywell 4600R 2D Bar Code Scanner replaced by the Honeywell Xenon 1900 & 1950 (1D, 2D) Bar Code Scanner, CordedNote: The Honeywell 4600g/4600r can read the drivers license of 47 states. They cannot read NC, GA, and IL (which have encrypted licenses). Encrypted licenses require the end user to purchase a key from the respective state to encrypt the bar code data. If you do not, the scanner reads the barcode but the data that is output is ‘garbage’ data.
The Honeywell 4600r SR/SF provides fast reading of linear bar codes, making it ideal for routine POS scanning applications. In addition, its ability to read all 2D bar codes, plus capture digital images, enables new applications that increase productivity, all with one device. The 4600r SF unique Streaming Presentation Mode feature, combined with its omni-directional reading capability, eliminates the need for operators to stop and hold an item in front of the scanner, simply swipe and go. In addition, the 4600r SF advanced illumination system is optimized for high performance applications that require presentation or fl y-by scanning and the reading of highly reflective itemsFrom the global leader in image-based data collection comes the 4600r Retail 2D Imager – delivering superior performance, versatility,and value at the point-of-service.
The Honeywell 4600r’s unique Streaming Presentation™ Mode feature, combined with its omni-directional reading capability, eliminates the need for operators to stop and hold an item in front of the scanner – simply
swipe and go. In addition, the 4600r’s advanced illumination system is optimized for high performance applications that require presentation
or “fly-by” scanning and the reading of highly refl ective items.
Honeywell 4600r...More Than Just a Bar Code Scanner
In addition to high performance linear and 2D bar code reading, you’ll discover a whole new level of versatility not possible with traditional, single-function, hardware solutions. Powered by Adaptus Imaging Technology 5.0, the 4600r takes digital pictures – allowing the user
to electronically capture, store, and retrieve any visibly recognizable information, including signatures, pharmacy prescriptions, and forms of personal identifi cation. Replacing traditional paper-based work fl ow
with digital image capture allows the 4600r to deliver the industry’s best return on investment.
The Honeywell 4600r delivers excellent reading performance of PDF417 codes commonly used on drivers’ licenses in the United States and Canada. This performance enables the 4600r to be used for auto-populating electronic forms (e-forms), used for credit card applications, extended warranties, and returned goods processes.
Verification of personal identification also enables age validation for the sale of restricted goods.
The Honeywell 4600r Retail 2D Image Scanner is a high-performance fly-by and presentation scanner that reads the complex bar codes on driver’s licenses to auto-populate e-forms for the credit and loyalty card applications that drive higher sales.

With best-in-class linear and 2D bar code reading, the versatility of image capture, and an extensive set of software tools to extend its functionality, the 4600r protects your investment against changing requirements and enables you to capture and manage more data with
one easy-to-use solution.
Honeywell 4600R (SR/SF) 2D BarCode Scanner Features & Benefits
High Performance and Versatile Data Collection:
Adaptus Imaging 5.0 provides aggressive, omnidirectional
reading of all linear and 2D bar codes,
plus digital image capture - enables you to collect and
manage more data with a single device.
Advanced Illumination System: Enables fast
reading of bar codes that are swiped in front of the
scanner and high performance on highly refl ective
Host Download: Enables the download of
configuration changes or new application software
directly from the host system to each scanner.
Robust Image Processing Software: Advanced onboard
software enables you to crop, rotate, enhance,
and compress digital images, ensuring their usability.
NEW! 4.5” Focus Read Range – powered by AdaptusTM Imaging Technology 5.0, read range
extends beyond all competing area imagers reading 10 mil matrix codes and high density
NEW! Increased Resolution – Improved image quality for visionbased applications.
NEW! Increased Motion Tolerance – Ease of use in all types of scanning applications; better hand/motion tolerance for linear codes.
NEW! Faster Time to Read (TTR) – Advanced Linear Decoding
(ALD) is faster and reads more like a linear unit.
NEW! Increased Field of View (FOV) – Ability to read wider bar codes quickly and easily, including hard to read bar codes.
Omni-directional reading of 1D, PDF417, MicroPDF417,
Postal, Matrix, and EAN•UCC Composite codes, and OCR
fonts for the easiest ever data collection.
Image Capture - Class-leading image quality and image
transfer speed provide crisp images in less than one
- 2D: PDF417, MicroPDF417, MaxiCode, Data Matrix, QR Code, Aztec, Aztec Mesas, Code 49, and UCC Composite.
Linear: Codabar, Code 39 including PARAF, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 2 of 5, Code 11, Code 93, Code 128, UPC, EAN/JAN, RSS.
Postal: Postnet, Planet Code, British Post, China Post, Canadian Post, Japanese Post, KIX (Netherlands Post)
Built to Last - Durable, with no moving parts. Best-in-class...Five Year Factory Warranty.
Connectivity – The most popular interfaces in one model.
Uses the standard HHP cable set.
IQ Editing Pro™ - Provides easy integration into existing
applications, without expensive host software changes.
Interfaces: All popular PCs and terminals via keyboard wedge, keyboard replacement/direct connect, USB, TTL level RS-232, wand emulation
mode, TTL level Serial Wedge, and IBM 46XX retail terminals.
HHLC non decoded laser output in 4600SR000 model.
True RS-232 in 4600SR030 model.
New! Bright Aimer – Offers a sharp crisp line that provides clear contrast between the
red illumination for reading and the green aimer light source.
Powered by Adaptus Imaging Technology – delivering aggressive read rates and
depths of field on linear, PDF417, matrix codes and other image capture applications.
Future Proof Investment - capable of capturing future signature and image capture applications without obsolescing your reader.
Five Year Warranty - Industry leading 5 Year Warranty.
Each Honeywell 4600r includes a desk top/wall mount holder (UHOLDER). 
Honeywell 4600r RoHS Compliant
Honeywell 4600r DataSheet(.pdf 195KB
Honeywell 4600g DataSheet (.pdf 101KB)
Honeywell 4600g/4600r/4800i 2D Installation Guide (.pdf 2.9MB)
*Order Online the Honeywell 4600r Retail 2D Imager USB Kit. Featuring the 4600r Special Focus (SF) Imager, Straight USB Cable (Part# 42206161-01E), Type A, 8.5 feet and User Guide. RoHS compliant. Color: Gray. Complete decode 1D, 2D, PDF, matrix, postal bar codes, image capture, and OCR. Accessories available below for ordering.