Featuring Stainless Steel & PolyCarbonate Pen Wands from Untiech and Wasp

Pen Wand BarCode Scanners
Pen BarCode Scanners, (1D), USB, RS232, PS/2 Stainless Steel, Polycarbonate, Holders and Power Supply.
Pen Wand BarCode Scanners, BarCode Pen Wand Bar Code Scanners, Bar Code Scanner Pen Wands, Pen wand barcode Bar Code Pen Wand Scanners,readers, Pen wand bar code scanners, Unitech Pen Wands, Uniech RS232 Serial Wands, Unitech USB Pen Wands, Light Pen , Bar Code Wand Scanner Reader, Hand Held Products Wands, HHP Wands, Keyboard Wedge Wands, Serial WandsWasp Bar Code Wands
Contact CCD Pen Wand BarCode Scanners/Readers from Unitech and Wasp. Interfaces available: USB (PC/MAC), KBW/PS2, RS232 Serial (Decoded/Undecoded), Wand Emulation, Stainless Steel.

USB Pen BarCode Scanners, Holders, Replacement Tips - TAA Compliant
Unitech MS120-NUCB00-SG USB Stainless Steel Pen Wand, Decoded, Straight Cable
Regular price: $164.00
Web price: $108.90
Unitech MS100-NUCB00-SG Handheld Pen BarCode Scanner (1D).   Featuring ABS plastic housing, USB interface and a 6 foot USB Type A, straight cable. Decoded. Color: Black/Blue (two-toned color). RoHS compliant.  Replaces Part#  MS100-4G.
Regular price: $139.00
Web price: $96.90
Unitech MS1004G USB Bar Code Pen Wand Scanner Unitech MS1004G USB Bar Code Pen Wand Scanner.  Compatible with both Windows and MAC OS devices!
Regular price: $110.00
Web price: $72.90
Out of stock
Unitech MS120 and MS100 RS232 /Serial Pen Wand BarCode Scanners
Unitech MS100-NRCB00-SG RS232 Serial Pen Wand Bar Code Scanner, ABS Plastic , Decoded, with DB9 Connector and Power Supply Connection.   Replaces  p/n MS120-2G
Regular price: $139.00
Web price: $94.90
Unitech MS120-NTCB00-SG Pen Wand BarCode Scanner, 1D, Laser Emulation, 9-Pin Squeeze
Regular price: $106.00
Web price: $69.90
Unitech MS120-CUST RS232 Serial Pen Wand Scanner, 9F pin, RS232 Interface, Decoded, Stainless Steel Housing, Sapphire Tip (P/N MS120-CUST).  Has 1 cable: (9F pin serial cable).   No Power Supply  (i.e. required).   Receives power off the host terminal device.
Regular price: $150.00
Web price: $104.80
Unitech MS120 Keyboard Wedge (PS/2) Pen Wand  BarCode Scanners, Stand
Unitech MS120-NKCB00-SG  Keyboard Wedge Pen Wand Bar Code Scanner (Stainless Steel, decoded, with keyboard wedge cable, PS/2 MiniDIN connector), RoHS.    Replaces p/n MS120-3PS2G
Regular price: $166.00
Web price: $109.10
BarCode Pen Wands - RSS14, GS1 - WASP
Unitech MS120 Stands, Power Supply, Wand Tips
Unitech 400120-Z010| MS100 MS120 Pen Wand Stand
Regular price: $16.00
Web price: $16.00
Unitech  MS120-T Replacement Wand Tip
Regular price: $18.00
Web price: $16.90
Out of stock
Unitech 101000-0150 AC Adapter/Power Supply |  110-240V AC to 5V DC | MS100, MS120, MS146, MS335, MS337, MS830
Regular price: $33.00
Web price: $26.90
Unitech MS120 Pen Wand Scanner Adapter Cables
Unitech PW201-3 USB Adapter Cable (for Keyboard PS2)
Regular price: $40.00
Web price: $25.95
Unitech MS100-NRCB00-SG RS232 Pen Wand - MS120 Laser Em Wand Scanner (9-Pin Squeeze) - KBW Pen Wands - Decoded - Stainless Steel - ABS Plastic - Tips - Stands
What Type of bar code do you need to scan or print?  Know your Bar Codes (1D, GS1, 2D, QR, PDF417)